16-19? Diddordeb yn Twf Swyddi Cymru+?

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Hyd 2024 / Learners

Joseph Williams, aged 18, from Bridgend, is one of the first people to sign up to ACT’s new Digital Marketing Apprenticeship.

Digital Marketing Apprentice Joseph works at Daydream Education and is responsible for the business’s social media accounts and has an important role in developing and delivering online marketing campaigns. 

Commenting on his new position, Joseph said: “I am so grateful to ACT Training and Daydream Education for this amazing opportunity. It has been a fantastic foot in the door for me and has been a great way to combine my personal and professional interest in social media.”

He continued:”When I left school I was a bit stuck and when it came to the summer I just didn’t know what I was going to do. I found it impossible to get any job, let alone a job in digital marketing. Everyone wanted someone with experience, which is something that I just didn’t have. That is when I came across ACT Training.”

Like many school and college leavers, Joseph struggled to secure a job or get his feet on the career ladder without any work experience. To address this issue, Joseph completed a Traineeship programme with ACT Training which consisted of intense employability training combined with a work placement at Daydream Education. Joseph hit the ground running with his work placement, so much so he was offered the Apprenticeship within three months.

Wes Paetel, Operations Director at Daydream Education said: “Joseph joined us through a Traineeship and we quickly understood that he had a real desire to learn more about the business and get involved with various tasks. We realised we couldn’t let the Traineeship end without retaining Joseph so we created a role and offered him a position as a digital marketing assistant which ties in perfectly with ACT’s new Apprenticeship. Joseph has thrown himself into the role and is making a real difference. He is regularly involved with the development of our digital strategy and we’re really pleased he has decided to join us on a permanent basis.”

Joseph said: “Work experience is essential when it comes to getting a job and ACT Training provides you with that work-based experience and they help you every step of the way. From the initial sign up all the way through to the placement and onto the Apprenticeship, ACT Training has supported me and encouraged me to get to where I am today – there is also the obvious advantage of getting paid whilst learning.”

Andrew Cooksley, Managing Director at ACT Training said: “We are delighted to be offering the Digital Marketing Apprenticeship. Not only does it provide an exciting opportunity to young talented people like Joseph, but it also helps creative businesses who are in a rapidly-developing sector to fill their skills gap.”

The new Digital Marketing Apprenticeship was launched in February by ACT Training, Wales’ leading training provider, and there are already 16 Apprentices on programme. 
