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Hyd 2024 / Learners

With exam season now upon us, we’ve put together our top five tips to help you with your revision. Whether you’re studying for your GCSEs, A Levels or university exams, follow these tips to ace your exams.

1. Stick to a revision timetable and take regular breaks

Break your day up into segments and regularly schedule in short breaks. Research indicates that short bursts of work ensure your concentration stays high. Try a 5-10 minute break every hour and see what works best for you. It’s also a good idea to switch topics throughout the day so you don’t get bored with one subject.

If you have access to past papers, try and do them under timed exam conditions so you get a feel for the type of questions you will be asked and how much time you can allocate to each section. Practice is key.

2. Exercise

When taking revision breaks, try and incorporate some exercise. Getting active is a great way to relieve stress and improve memory retention, as well as releasing those feel-good endorphins. Studies show that regular exercise helps you sharpen your focus and concentration, so even a short twenty minute walk or run can boost your energy levels and make you feel happier. You don’t even have to leave the house, you’ll get some benefit just moving about during your breaks.

3. Look after yourself

The best thing you can do to be exam ready is to make sure you are well rested and well nourished.

Having a good breakfast of porridge or cereal with fruit on the morning of your exam will help fill you up and keep your energy levels high. Whilst revising, eating foods that slowly release energy such as wholemeal bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, fruit, vegetables and nuts will keep sugar levels steady and help combat stress.

The same goes for your sleeping patterns. The better night’s sleep you get, the more energised and motivated you will be throughout the revision period and the day of your exam. Particularly if you have a morning exam, it is important to get up early to revise, so you get used to working at the same time on exam day when it counts.

As tempting as it might be to stay up late reading over your notes, try to relax and have an early night before your exam. Make sure when setting your alarm to factor in enough time for a good breakfast and to arrive at the exam hall with plenty of time to spare.

4. Pack the night before

Gather together all the equipment and materials that you will need for your exam the night before. Don’t forget your clear pencil case, water bottle and lucky mascot! If you normally rush around in the morning searching for your shoes, it’s a good idea to set out your clothes. It’s important for the day of your exam to be as simple and relaxing as possible, so it’s best not to leave this to the last minute.

5.Stay calm

In the exam, take the time to read the questions carefully. Be realistic with the time that you do have. Answer all the questions you feel confident with first, then you can spend more time on any others at the end.

If you do have time spare at the end, don’t be tempted to leave early; read over your answers. This is your opportunity to add any extra information so fully use the time you have.


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